Friday, January 7, 2011

It's Been A While. Take Me Back?

Heyy internet.
Times have been different since i last posted on this blog.
Still dating Brandon, still in love with Kaz.
But the old b-ster and I had a fallout tonight. And I like the risk of telling the whole world.
So one of the only things I really really ask of him is to not leave me before he has to. (He's totally babied; his bedtime is 9 pm. On the dot.) But tonight I called (Since he makes no effort to stay with me or talk  to me or anything) and he wanted to go early because he was falling asleep and he wanted to talk to me on facebook. so i was like okay, i'm miffed. but I'll do it since I'm a great girlfriend!
So we talked on facebook for a little bit. I was unhappy. And he noticed that, so he left even earlier. 8:50. Or he said he did. I noticed that he was commenting on people's stuff until 9:30. Way to be committed to your girl, douche.

But yeah. Kaz is still that one guy I'll always have a soft spot for.

Almost sixteen. And hopelessly in love with another man!
